Did you know Asian American liberation theology was a thing in the past? Well, it was. Alongside Black liberation theology, Latin American liberation theology, and white feminist liberation theology. What’s left of it is hidden in dusty archives, most of it in the Graduate Theological Union archives. I’ve managed to get some of them digitised. The second reader is done by myself, with thanks to the Vancouver School of Theology, and the rest are thanks to D. Stiver at the GTU, posted with permission of Roy I. Sano.

For some context, check out:

Some books on the Asian American history of that era:

  • Serve the People: Making Asian America in the Long Sixties, Karen Ishizuka
  • Legacy to Liberation: Politics and Culture of Revolutionary Asian Pacific America, Fred Ho (ed)

and for Asian American histories at large:

  • American History Unbound: Asians and Pacific Islanders, Gary Y. Okihiro
  • Asian American Dreams: The Emergence of an American People, Helen Zia
  • Strangers from a Different Shore: A History of Asian Americans, Ronald Takaki
  • The Making of Asian America: A History, Erika Lee

Finally, some things I’ve written:

Now here’s where you come in. I’ve put together a User’s Guide below as a template for you to kick off discussion and build an Asian American theology of liberation for the next generation. It is as much yours as it is mine. Have at it!

  • A User’s Guide to Asian American Theologies of Liberation (alpha version, 2019) [docx] [pdf]

UPDATE: See this post for my manuscript of Liberation Theology Unbound: An Asian American theology of liberation.